Chapter 1 Quiz

Chapter One: New World Encounters, Preconquest-1608

Practice Quiz:

1. By the time Europeans arrived, the peoples of central Mexico had developed all of the following EXCEPT
a. large cities ruled by effective bureaucracies.
b. an accurate solar calendar.
c. hieroglyphic writing.
d. tools and weapons made of iron and bronze.

2. What Indians desired most upon encountering Europeans was
a. cultural enlightenment.
b. religious instruction.
c. peaceful trade.
d. victims for human sacrifice rituals.

3. What was the main result of the deadly diseases brought to the New World by Europeans?
a. an extremely high mortality rate among the natives, destroying the culture of many tribes
b. some deaths, but a low number compared to those caused by warfare between Native Americans and Europeans
c. no significant deaths since Native Americans were already immune to these diseases
d. a diminution of these diseases throughout Europe

4. Which statement about West Africa during the era of the European slave trade is TRUE?
a. Africans were quite isolated from the rest of the world
b. Africans had a simple, self sufficient economy
c. Muslims missionaries were having some success in making converts there
d. A single monolithic culture covered most of the African continent

5. Columbus was originally determined to prove that
a. a westward route to China existed
b. the world was not flat
c. the continents of North and South America existed
d. Europeans were culturally superior to all other peoples

6. The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 resulted in
a. war between Spain and Portugal
b. Portuguese control of Brazil
c. French control of Canada
d. the withdrawal of the Spanish from the New World

7. Most Spanish colonists were
a. members of wealthy families.
b. more racially tolerant than their English counterparts.
c. unconcerned about economic opportunities.
d. unwilling to have contact with native groups.

8. The financial success of the French empire in North America depended upon the
a. fur trade
b. discovery of huge amounts of gold
c. conversion of Indians to Catholicism
d. complete annihilation of the native American tribes in Canada

9. Which of the following identifies the main catalyst for the Protestant Reformation in England?
a. Henry V’s severing his relationship with the Archbishop of Canterbury.
b. The Act of Supremacy.
c. Land that belonged to the Catholic Church was transferred to private owners.
d. Henry VIII’s wish to dissolve his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.

10. The mission of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was to
a. suppress a revolt in the Netherlands
b. defend Queen Elizabeth I of England against challenges to her rule
c. eliminate Queen Elizabeth I and make England a Catholic country
d. replace King Philip II with Mary Queen of Scots

11. What was the key difference between English and Spanish colonial systems?
a. The English crown totally funded the colonies, while the Spanish colonies offered little aid to its colonizers
b. The English efforts were private, and the Spanish efforts were supported by the crown
c. Religion played a central role in all the English colonies, but had little or no impact in New Spain
d. The English settled interior lands, while the Spanish settled primarily of the coast