Chapter 16 Quiz

Chapter Sixteen: The Agony of Reconstruction, 1863-1877

Practice Quiz:

1. President Lincoln’s Reconstruction plans were committed to
a. punish the South for provoking the Civil War
b. racial equality for the freedmen
c. sharing decisions with Congress on Reconstruction policies
d. rapid readmission of the southern states to the Union

2. Which of the following required 50 percent of southern voters to take an oath of loyalty to the Union before the southern states could regain their status as states?
a. Fourteenth Amendment
b. Tenure of Office Act
c. Loyalty Act
d. Wade-Davis Bill

3. What was the main belief of the Radical Republicans
a. that the process of Reconstruction should be completed quickly
b. that Reconstruction policy should be initiated by the president
c. that there was inherent equality between the races
d. that the rights of freedmen should be insured by the federal government

4. What was the result of the congressional elections of 1866?
a. Johnson’s Reconstruction policies were vindicated at the polls
b. The Radical Republicans lost ground
c. Democrats gained control of Congress
d. The results served as a referendum on the Fourteenth Amendment

5. Which of the following constitutional amendments attempted to give civil rights to the former slaves
a. Thirteenth
b. Fourteenth
c. Fifteenth
d. Sixteenth

6. The federal agency designed to assist former slaves in making the economic adjustment to freedom was known as the
a. Freedmen’s Bureau
b. Department of Education
c. African American Rights Association
d. Southern Reconstruction Agency

7. The First Reconstruction Act of 1867
a. recognized the existing southern state governments as legitimate
b. confiscated all property of ex-Confederates
c. guaranteed the freedmen the right to vote in southern elections
d. placed the South under military rule

8. Why did the House of Representatives impeach President Johnson
a. because he challenged the Tenure of Office Act by removing the Secretary of War
b. because he vetoed the Reconstruction Bill
c. because he attempted to abolish the Freedmen’s Bureau
d. because he opposed passage of the Fourteenth Amendment

9. During Reconstruction, African Americans
a. were able to become independent farmers
b. lived in integrated urban societies
c. lived in a divided society
d. left the South in overwhelming numbers

10. Why were some women angered by the Fifteenth Amendment?
a. It gave voting rights only to white women, but not to African-American women
b. White women did not want African Americans to have the right to vote
c. It gave voting rights to black men, but not any to women.
d. It did not make poll taxes or literacy tests illegal

11. How did Redeemers restrict the voting rights of blacks in the late 1870s and early 1880s?
a. Blacks were not allowed to vote at all and were kept away from the polls
b. Any blacks voting for Democrats had their votes discarded
c. If blacks tried to vote for Republicans, they were intimidated and threatened
d. Blacks risked losing their jobs if they tried to vote for non-Republican candidates

12. The organization that symbolized most vividly the “white backlash” of the Reconstruction era was
a. the Union League
b. the Freedmen’s Bureau
c. the White Citizens Council
d. the Ku Klux Klan